

  • 14
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 江苏省 苏州 昆山市 花桥镇 和丰路108号
  • 姓名: 任
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定


    江苏中正检测股份有限公司(简称OTC),是合法从事检验、鉴定、测试、验货和认的三方服务机构,致力于商品供应链的质量鉴定和审核业务,专注于提供各个行业的质量解决方案。 Zhong Group (OTC CHINA CERTIFICATE AND TESTING CENTER) is the lawful exercise of inspection, identification, testing, products inspection and certification third-party service agency. We are committed to quality appraisal, examination and verification business of the global commodity supply chain, and concentrate on providing quality solutions in a wide range of industrires. 公正、健康、、环保、社会责任是我们每个员工的信念。 Fairness, health, safeness, environment protection and social responsibility are we each employee's beliefs. 江苏中正检测股份有限公司作为贸易链的质量监督环节,战略合作于多个行业协会与认证机构,中正将为您提供公平,公正,公开的三方与认服务及的质量管控方案。 Zhong Group as the quality supervision chain of global international trade links, strategically cooperate in many global associations and local laboratories, Zhong provides for you with fair, just and open third-party testing services and the most excellent quality control program. 我们的服务: OUR SERVICE 测试:按照各国质量条款提供符合各个区域质量法规的测试服务;以保产品质量; Testing: according to different countries’quality items, provides for testing services that conform to different regions’ quality law, so as to ensure product quality; 认证:根据各个区域的法律要求,对商品进行测试,验厂等服务,以帮助供应商贸易壁垒,符合当地法规的质量认证; Certification: according to different regions’ law requirements, provides for products’ testing and factory inspection services, to help traders overcome trade barriers, and obtain quality certification that conform to local law regulation; 工厂审核:提供的质量体系方案,保证生产商生产流程的规范、生产质量的稳定、工厂生产环境的健康以达到产品质量稳定,员工健康工作,资源的合理利用的目的; Factory Audit: provide for professional quality system program; ensure manufacturers’ standardization of produce process, product quality’s stability, factory product environment’s health, and so as to reach the purpose of product quality’s stability, employees’ health and the rational use of non-renewable resources; 服务:按照当地要求,帮助相关部门建立质量审核体系,帮助对相关产品质量进行三方鉴定, Government service: according to the local government’s requirements, help government related department to establish quality audit system, help government process third-party inspection on related products; 风险与成本管理:我们的团队根据客户的实际情况建立从设计到产出的风险评估方案及成本控制方案. Risk and cost management: according to clients’ actual situation, our professional team establishes risk estimated program and cost control solutions from design to output. 验货:我们的团队根据按照客户要求结合当地法规,对商品的质量,数量,包装方式等进行现场审核,以保提供公平交易; Goods Inspection: according to clients’ requirements and local law regulation, our professional team process on-site audit on products’ quality, quantity and package, so as to ensure the provision of fair trade. 
    主要市场 动力绳 静力绳 安全带 上升器,制动器 锁扣
    经营范围 公司主要经营认证,检测,CE, 江苏中正检测股份有限公司,是合法从事检验、鉴定、测试、验货和认证的第三方服务机构,致力于上升器,下降器,缓降器,动力绳 ,静力绳,安全带,登山锁扣等户外产品的CE认证服务。


    注册号 320583000570493 注册机构 苏州市行政审批局
    统一社会信用代码 91320500058679060J 组织机构代码 058679060
    注册资本 500**民币 营业期限 2012-12-14至
    经营状态 存续 公司类型 股份有限公司(非上市、自然人投资或控股)
    成立日期 2012-12-14 法人代表 钱俊
    公司地址 花桥镇和丰路108号818室
    经营范围 检测服务,计量服务,标准化服务,认证认可服务,检验检疫服务,环境保护监测;一般物品鉴定服务,高效节能质量评估服务,资源综合利用质量评估服务,压缩机、水泵、电机运行效能评估服务(主要在石油、化工、冶金等流程工业领域),压缩机运行效能评估服务,水泵运行效能评估服务,电机运行效能评估服务,先进环保质量评估服务;化工原料及产品(不含危险品)技术咨询及销售;货物及技术的进出口业务。(前述经营项目中法律、行政
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